Health and accident

The health of any person is the most important asset in his life. It is also the most vulnerable. Offering the best available protection against accidents and to guarantee the cost of medical care in the event of unexpected events is our duty as a broker

Be close to you to understand you better:

Poe-ma insurances is the only insurance broker offering health insurance for expatriates with a physical presence in Myanmar.  So, Poe-ma can fully understand your need and offer tailor-made solution to fit your need. Living in Myanmar we share the same concerns for our own families as for yours.

Our multilingual team is at your service.


Your health is your most precious asset, so prefer quality insurance  choosing Poe-ma insurances which will propose you with adapted to your real needs solutions for your and your family.

Poe-ma insurances team is based locally and can help you quickly in any case of problem notably in case of emergency; Poe-ma will provide you also with concrete fast answers to your questions.

Social insurance programs providing a suitable social protection does not exist really yet in Myanmar.

That is why Poe-ma insurances team will propose the employees of your Company with group private health insurance offering medical cover tailored to your need and to your budget and providing a full range of care services and treatment under any circumstances.

Poe-ma insurances has a range of travel insurance with several levels of coverage from budget friendly to most constructive benefits, personal accidents, life insurance, repatriation assistance from a few days up to 90 days worldwide.

Poe-ma insurances is established in several countries around the World and wherever you are, we are always close to you.

Contact for Health and accident

Wint Moh
Wint Moh Moh Htut (Moh)
Assistant Country Director
Bongwan Ponyam
Bongkwan PONYIAM (Bam)
Operation Officer a Asia IT Assistant